Re: [Salon] A Record Low 13 Percent of Eighth Grade Students Are Proficient in History

Well if little over 30% proficient in reading this is not surprising since history is more complicated than reading.
The school sysem is failing America. There has been tremedous decline since adopted from the Prussian ed reforms that made Prussia world education leader.

"Two out of three children did not meet the standards for reading proficiency set by the National Assessment of Educational Progress
"Only 35 percent of fourth graders were proficient in reading in 2019, down from 37 percent in 2017; 34 percent of eighth graders were proficient in reading, down from 36 percent. Overall student progress in reading has stalled in the last decade, with the highest performers stagnating and the lowest-achieving students falling further behind."
Reading Scores on National Exam Decline in Half the States
The results of the test, which assesses a sample of fourth- and eighth-grade students, will inevitably prompt demands for policy change.
Being the educational world leader helped Prussia catch up in the IndustriaDid education play a role in economic development during the Industrial Revolution? This column discusses new evidence from Prussia showing that formal education was critical to technology adoption in the first and second phase of the Industrial Revolution during the 19th century.l Revolution

Let’s hear it for the Prussian king Frederick the Great. Why? Well, most people may not be aware that America’s model of public schooling is derived from Frederick’s revolutionary system of public education in 18th century Prussia
Eye on Education: Prussia model influences American public school system
Origin of Prussian Education System
On Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 03:24:26 AM GMT+5, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

A Record Low 13 Percent of Eighth Grade Students Are Proficient in History

The Nation's Report Card for history for 2022 is shockingly low. I have the solution.

Mish. [5/3/23.]
2022 Nation's Report Card for History

Nation's Report Card

Please consider the NAEP History Report Card at Grade 8 for the US. 

NAEP reports scores at five selected percentiles to show changes over time in the scores for lower- (10th and 25th percentiles), middle- (50th percentile), and higher- (75th and 90th percentiles) performing students. In 2022, the scores for students at the 10th, 25th, 50th, and 75th levels declined compared to 2018. Scores for lower-performing students declined more than the score decrease for those at the 75th percentile compared to 2018. This is a continuation of a decline seen at all select percentiles except for the 90th percentile when comparing the 2018 scores to those in 2014. In 2022, there were no significant changes in scores at any of the selected percentile levels compared to 1994. 

299 out of 500, just under a 60% score, is in the top 10 percent of the class. 

Proficiency Levels

  • NAEP Basic Achievement Level: 252 (50.4 Percent Score)
  • NAEP Proficient Level: 294 (58.8 Percent Score)
  • NAEP Advanced Level: 327 (65.4 Percent Score)

2022 History Proficiency

2022 History Proficiency

Proficiency Synopsis

  • Only 1 percent of "advanced" students could manage better than a 65.4 percent score. 
  • Only 13 percent of students were deemed "proficient" at 58.8 percent or better.
  • Only 46 percent of students could manage to get just over half the questions correct.

When I Went to Grade School 

  • Below 70%: F
  • 70-77%: D
  • 78-84%: C
  • 85-92: B
  • 93+: A

My, how times have changed. 

Proposed Solution (Sarcasm)

  • Below 26%: F
  • 26-34%: D
  • 35-42%: C
  • 43-50%: B
  • 51+%: A

Of course, we need to take external factors into consideration. Anyone from a disadvantaged home gets to add 26 percentage points to their score.

Second we need to stop publishing results. Instead, we just post final grades. 

Proficiency scores will skyrocket and we can then pat our education system on the back for a job well done. 

This post originated at MishTalk.Com

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